Learning Opportunity

MathImagine - Parents and Numeracy

This session has been completed.
Registration Closed
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be recorded
Facilitator: Roni Kraut
Date:February 04, 2025
Time:7:00 pm to 8:00 pm MTN
No Charge
Location: Virtual
Session Code: 25-MA-108
Focus: Mathematics and Numeracy Other

Target Audience

Parents of Elementary Students

About this Learning Opportunity

Parents play an integral role in numeracy development. In the session we will cover key concepts to help
support your child’s numeracy development including stages of numeracy development/key milestones,
why and how to use models, basics of basic facts, and incorporating numeracy into daily activities.

This session addresses the LQS competencies

  • 2. Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
  • 4. Leading a Learning Community

This session addresses the TQS competencies

  • 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
  • 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

About the Facilitator

Roni Kraut

Roni Kraut is a chartered professional accountant, family physician, medical researcher, and passionate about elementary math education. She has taught at the college and university level, has a certificate in adult education, and has led sessions at teacher conventions across Canada. Her interest in math education was spurred when using resources developed by her... Read more »