Learning Opportunity

Teaching Coding Through Games

This session has been completed.
Facilitator: Charlee Amason
Date:February 13, 2024
Time:4:00 pm to 5:30 pm MTN
No Charge
Location: Virtual
Session Code: 24-AS-461
Focus: Assessment Curriculum Implementation and Pedagogy

Target Audience

Teachers, Parents

Also Recommended For

School-based Administrators, Instructional/Learning Coaches, District Leaders/Consultants, Educational/Instructional Assistants

About this Learning Opportunity

Kids love games, whether it’s an “unplugged” game like Simon Says or a video game like Minecraft. What if you could harness that enthusiasm to teach coding concepts to your students? Explore how kids learn computational thinking skills through low-tech and no-tech games. This webinar is primary geared towards teachers of elementary and junior high students.

This session addresses the LQS competencies

  • 2. Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
  • 4. Leading a Learning Community

This session addresses the TQS competencies

  • 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
  • 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

About the Facilitator

Charlee Amason

Outreach Specialist: 

Charlee received his Master's in Physics at the University of Alberta, where he coded a Python program to describe light coming from a spinning neutron star. He also works as a tutor, and loves teaching math and science to students who struggle with those subjects. In his spare time he enjoys reading poetry, making art, watching Star Trek, collecting records, and playing bass guitar.