Learning Opportunity

Build a Better Game: Intermediate MakeCode Arcade

This session has been completed.
Registration Closed
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be recorded
Facilitator: Amanda Clement
Date:January 18, 2024
Time:4:00 pm to 5:30 pm MTN
No Charge
Location: Virtual
Session Code: 24-AS-460
Focus: Assessment Curriculum Implementation and Pedagogy

Target Audience

Teachers, Parents

Also Recommended For

School-based Administrators, Instructional/Learning Coaches, District Leaders/Consultants, Educational/Instructional Assistants

About this Learning Opportunity

Already completed a session on MakeCode arcade? Build on your skills by working with one of our NCA Education Specialists to create your own arcade game. Each session varies as game-of-the-day selection depends on participants.

This session addresses the LQS competencies

  • 2. Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
  • 4. Leading a Learning Community

This session addresses the TQS competencies

  • 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
  • 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

About the Facilitator

Amanda Clement

Outreach Education Specialist:

Amanda is a genderqueer educator with a passion for learning by doing, herpetology, and Lego. They hold a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. Additionally, Amanda currently is attending MacEwan University for a diploma in Arts and Cultural Management (2024). Amanda is constantly pushing themself to learn something new and further progress the industry of informal education.