Learning Opportunity

CS First Coding

This session has been completed.
Facilitator: Darren Maltais
Date:January 30, 2024
Time:4:00 pm to 5:00 pm MTN
No Charge
Location: Virtual
Session Code: 24-TI-172
Focus: Assessment Curriculum Implementation and Pedagogy

Target Audience

Teachers, School-based Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Learning Coaches, Inclusive Learning Teachers

About this Learning Opportunity

Whether you’re feeling intimidated by coding or just looking to expand your toolkit, Google’s CS First is an easy way to get your students coding no matter what level of experience you have! With CS first, teachers can easily share scaffolded projects that guide students through fun activities with videos and instructions. Your class will learn the basics of Scratch block coding in a creative and fun way. Come learn how easy it is to get started with coding in your classroom right away! 

This session addresses the LQS competencies

  • 2. Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
  • 4. Leading a Learning Community

This session addresses the TQS competencies

  • 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
  • 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

About the Facilitator

Darren Maltais

After years of experience as a classroom teacher, Darren began working as a Technology Integration Facilitator for Black Gold School Division. This year will mark his 10th year in that role! He works collaboratively with teachers and students in over 30 schools, co-creating lessons, projects, and products to help students learn more effectively and make curriculum come alive. He has helped to... Read more »