John Waterhouse

John Waterhouse
John Waterhouse is passionate about continuous professional learning and building the capacity of all those who serve the educational needs of students. John’s professional career includes having a being a teacher and department head for 5 years, vice principal and principal for 21 years, Deputy Superintendent responsible for Human Resources and Professional Learning for 8 years and is currently in his 3rd year as Executive Director of the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium.
John also served in many professional leadership roles including Vice President of the ATA and President of CASS. John has served on various provincial education committees including the Advisory Committee and Working Group for the development of the Teaching Quality Standard, The Leadership Quality Standard and the System Leadership Quality Standard. John has a breadth of depth and experience and expertise with a focus on supporting professional learning at all levels.
Areas of Expertise
- Instructional Leadership
- Professional Learning Communities
- Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
- School and System Improvement
- Professional Practice Standards
Session Offerings
- Ministerial Order on Student Learning
- Instructional Leadership
- Professional Practice Standards
- Pedagogy as Informed Practice
- Teacher Clarity in Professional Practice
Alberta Curriculum - Alberta Assurance Model
Irene Gibbons
Program Coordinator

Irene Gibbons
Program Coordinator
Irene’s professional career began as a Licensed Practical Nurse. It was with her 7 years working in the Education Department with the Good Samaritan Society that she found her passion for learning. Irene went on to obtain her Diploma in Business Management at NAIT. Irene worked for Sturgeon Public Schools for 7 years as a school Finance Clerk. Currently Irene is serving her first term as Trustee for Sturgeon Public School Division. Irene has always had a calling for learning and is thrilled to share her passion at the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium.
Tricia Mason
Program Coordinator

Tricia Mason
Program Coordinator
Tricia Mason joined ERLC in the fall of 2023. After being a stay at home mom of 3 to 10 years, Tricia became an Educational Assistant for 7 years. Then Tricia transitioned into the automotive and health care industries. Tricia is excited to work in education again and helping you grow as an educator through professional development.
Margaret Savage
Finance Coordinator

Margaret Savage
Finance Coordinator
Margaret has over 20 years of experience in business management, human resources, marketing and analysis. In June 2008, Margaret joined the ERLC team in the role of Financial Coordinator.
Always up for a challenge, Margaret enjoys the ever changing demands of the ERLC office and the need to support educators in the province. A task orientated worker, Margaret enjoys providing sound customer service to both participants and employees of the ERLC.
Brennah Robinson
Communications Coordinator

Brennah Robinson
Communications Coordinator
Brennah Robinson joined the ERLC team as their Communications Coordinator in July 2021. She is a graduate of SAIT’s New Media Production and Design program, and has over 6 years of industry experience in graphic design, branding, and social media management. She has worked with a variety of different companies and organizations in that time, including Red Iron Labs and Alberta Health Services. Brennah now enjoys having the opportunity to bring out ERLC’s own personality and flare in all the work she produces for the Consortium.
Designers of Professional Learning
Our Designers of Professional Learning support the region according to Alberta Education priority areas and identified regional needs based on jurisdictional three-year educational plans. To request district day support from ERLC or engage with our learning leads, please visit Request a Session or District Day.
April Prescott
Designer of Professional Learning

April Prescott
Designer of Professional Learning
April Prescott is a Certified Canadian Counsellor whose work focuses on children and youth in care across Northern Alberta. Previously, she was the Inclusive Education Coordinator for Aboriginal Head Start in Edmonton for 7 years, a teacher in a PUF program for 10 years, and 5 years as an Educational Assistant across K-12. April also provides educational consultation with on-reserve schools in remote locations in Alberta. Her areas of expertise within the APLC are early learning, mental health, and inclusion. When not working, she enjoys training her dog, Holly, playing Dungeons and Dragons, or volunteering with the Edmonton Rugby Union.
Areas of Expertise
- Mental health in children
- Early years
- Inclusion across K-12
- Trauma-informed education
- Educational Assistants
- Leadership
Betty Morris
Designer of Professional Learning

Betty Morris
Designer of Professional Learning
I have been a math educator for over 40 years. After teaching for a number of years in the classroom, I then became the district math consultant for Edmonton Catholic Schools. I became the gr. 6 and 9 math PAT exam manager and then worked with new initiatives for Alberta Education. I also served as a sessional instructor at Concordia University in Edmonton and as an Education Lead for an international education organization, helping ministries, schools, and teachers mainly in Africa.
My interest in supporting teachers and students in their understanding of mathematics and instilling in them the confidence and passion for mathematics, continues as I provide professional learning to districts and schools, supporting both teachers and students. A priority is helping all stakeholders to understand and work with the new math curriculum.
Areas of Expertise
- New curriculum K-6
- Helping teachers understand the math behind the curriculum K-6
- Understanding the learning outcomes and KUSPS for the new math curriculum
- Assessment
- Diagnostic
- Formative and summative
- Gr. 6 and 9 PAT
- Analyzing assessment data for learning and teaching
- Connecting Literature and mathematics
- Working with new teachers
- Differentiating Math learning within the math lesson
- Helping teachers to understand math vocabulary and provide strategies for student learning.
- Ideas and strategies for teaching and learning using manipulatives.
- Grade 7-9 strategies for teaching and learning using manipulatives.
- Cross-curricular strategies
- Transitioning from elementary to junior high math
- Math Talks, strategies for discourse and engagement in math
- Planning
- Knowledge of MathUp resource/program
Irene Heffel
Designer of Professional Learning

Irene Heffel
Designer of Professional Learning
Irene Heffel is a literacy consultant and educator with over 35 years of experience at all levels. She has worked with both elementary and secondary teachers to implement best practices in curriculum, assessment and Backward Design.
Areas of Expertise
- Curriculum Planning
- Assessment
- Rubric Development
- Backward Design
- Teacher Planning
- Reading Instruction
- Writing Instruction
- Group Facilitation
- Reading Instruction Across Curriculum
- Literacy Leadership
Session Offerings
- Rigour and Routine
- Essential Learning Outcomes
- Essential Learning Outcomes and Next Steps
- Backward Design
- Literacy Principles
- Assessment in Reading and Writing
- Performance Assessment Development
Kelly Gibbs
Designer of Professional Learning

Kelly Gibbs
Designer of Professional Learning
Kelly’s joy has been found in supporting staff in the use of research-based instructional strategies that make literacy teaching and learning systematic and intentional. A Teacher, Consultant, Reading Specialist and University Sessional Instructor, Kelly’s background is in supporting teachers and all staff members as they build their understanding of students with all types of learning challenges, including those with learning disabilities, how they learn and how they achieve. She has built her knowledge of UDL through her work at the University of Manitoba.
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships were built for.” -Anonymous
Areas of Expertise
- Reading Specialist (Northern Alberta Reading Specialists’ Council (NARSC)
- Masters of Education – Literacy
- Language and Literacy Support and Implementation
- Curriculum Implementation Support – K-6 – Language Arts, Social Studies
- Programming Support, Implementation and Coaching
- UFLI Training for K-3 and as Intervention for Grades 4 & up (UFLI-University of Florida Literacy Institute-An Explicit and Systematic Phonics Program)
- LiPS Program – Lindamood
- Visualizing and Verbalizing
- The Respecting Diversity Program
- Sound Walls
- Assessment for Programming
Session Offerings
- Specialized Assessment – How Level B Assessments Support Learning
- Structured Literacy for Learning and Intervention
- Structured Literacy – Rethinking Your Approach of Literacy for All
- Instructional Strategies – Daily Literacy Structure in the Classroom
- Inclusive Classrooms; Building Community
- Dual Language Schools – English Program and French Immersion Creates a Community of Learners
- Differentiated Instruction & Learning for All
- Executive Functions – How to Recognize and Support Learning for All
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Literacy Strategies for Educational Assistants
- Educational Assistants in the Classroom – Batman and Robin!
- Building and Instructional Strategy Handbook
- English Language Learners in the Inclusive Classroom
- Universal Design for Learning – A Pedagogical Understanding
- Direct, Explicit Programming and Instruction – It’s A Thing
- The Reading Rope
- The Writing Rope
- Plasticine Writing
- How to Group for Learning
- Learning Disabilities – What it is, Who it is, What happens?
- Learning Challenges – Let’s Plan Together
- Specialized Assessments – What am I Looking At?
- Let’s Build a Cohort
- How to Create Interventions in Your Classroom
- Creating a Instructional Strategies Handbook
Lynn Farrugia
Designer of Professional Learning

Lynn Farrugia
Designer of Professional Learning
Lynn Farrugia is a retired educator with over 35 years of experience teaching Kindergarten to Adult Education with the majority of her years with elementary school aged students. She recently served as the Program Coordinator and as a consultant of English as an Additional Language for the Edmonton Public School Board for twelve years. Her passion for working with English as an Additional Language (EAL) Learners began with her time at an inner city school where well over 80% of her students spoke a language other than English and most of those students were newcomers to Canada. One year she was the only person in the classroom who spoke only one language! In fact there were nine different languages spoken in that class.
Lynn is one of the Principal writers of: Working with Karen Immigrant Students: Teacher Resources and was a contributor to Promoting Success with Arab Immigrant Students: Teacher Resources both published by the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation. She is also a proud Board Member of the Intercultural Child and Family Centre.
When Lynn is not advocating for the needs of EAL Learners she can be found reading or cuddling with her rescue beagle Elliott!
Other areas of experience and interest include: culturally relevant practices, early childhood education and multicultural/diverse children’s literature.
Areas of Expertise
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Alberta K-12 EAL Benchmarks
- Vocabulary and Oral Language Development
- Early Childhood Education
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Culturally Relevant and Responsive Practices
- Multicultural/Diverse Children’s Literature
- Supporting Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students
- New Teacher Support
- Parent Engagement
Paul Marlett
Designer of Professional Learning

Paul Marlett
Designer of Professional Learning
Paul is a purebred teacher and a maverick in education who focuses on the “art of teaching”. Having taught for over 2 decades in the classroom and gym, from grades 1 to 12 in all subject matters and 10 years with the Blended Homeschooling program, he brings unique insights and innovative pedagogy to students. He is happiest outdoors and when sharing stories. Paul has been awarded local, provincial and national awards for his work in PE and has presented teachers’ convention sessions across the province for over 20 years.
Tammy Leslie
Designer of Professional Learning

Tammy Leslie
Designer of Professional Learning
Tammy is a Designer of Professional Learning in the area of Math and Numeracy, with a focus in elementary math. She has been in education for over 30 years in a variety of roles. Her goal is to support educators in their continued efforts to build positive mathematical mindsets and incorporate impactful strategies into the classroom.
Tammy aims to co-construct meaningful professional learning to guide instruction and maximize student learning.
Areas of Expertise
- Unpacking the Aberta K-6 Curriculum
- Planning and Assessing Student Actions in the K-6 Curriculum
- Building a Guided Math Framework
- Assessment in Math
- Math Talks
- Fluency with Basic Facts
- Building math resources to support teachers
Session Offerings
- Building a Guided Math Framework
- Going Deeper with Guided Math
- Creating Environments of Numeracy
- Targeting Math Vocabulary
- Primary Math Games
- Upper Elementary Math Games
- Choice Boards
- Assessing for the Well Taught Math Classroom
- Early Learning Count Principles (K-2)
- Building Mastery with Addition and Subtraction (Gr. 1-3)
- Building Mastery with Multiplication and Division (Gr. 4-6)
- Change in the Mathematical Mindset to Enhance Student Learning
- Math Journaling
- Using Math Manipulatives
- Creating a Culture of Numeracy
Ted Zarowny
Designer of Professional Learning

Ted Zarowny
Designer of Professional Learning
Ted’s educational journey took him through three provinces. He began his career as classroom teacher in Saskatchewan, and spent many years in British Columbia on the North Coast and interior as a teacher and principal. He returned to the prairies and a principalship in the Capital region where he currently remains.
Ted’s passions include instructional pedagogy such as learning for transfer, conceptual learning and the instruction of thinking skills. Trained in Control Theory and Restitution-Self Discipline, a restorative justice approach, Ted has extensive experience with approaches and techniques that address classroom management and student behaviour. He also has extensive experience working with gifted students while being the principal of a school for gifted learners for fifteen years. Ted is excited to share his skillset with others to help them refine practices and mindsets that enrich the learning experiences of students.
Areas of Expertise
- Effective Instructional Approaches
- Learning for Transfer & Conceptual Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Managing Student Behaviour
- Gifted Education
Session Offerings
- Curriculum Implementation
Ulana Soletsky
Designer of Professional Learning

Ulana Soletsky
Designer of Professional Learning
Download Profile Follow @soletsky
Ulana Soletsky has been facilitating professional learning sessions in mathematics and numeracy for the Edmonton office of the Consortium since 2006. Prior to this, she dedicated 26 years to teaching mathematics at the Junior High level before transitioning to roles as a math and numeracy consultant for Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools and ERLC. An educator since 1979, Ulana has engaged with students from Kindergarten through grade 9 and has also acted as a First Steps in Math Facilitator for Pearson Publishers, concentrating on the Number, Operation Sense, and Measurement strands. Additionally, she has collaborated with Pearson Publishers to provide professional development for the new math resource “Mathology” and the “Math Progressions K-9,” of which she was an active reviewer during its development. Currently, Ulana is involved in overseeing the creation of the Math Assessment for grades 1 to 9 in partnership with Elk Island Catholic Schools. As a math educator, her objective has always been to ensure that all students comprehend and value the mathematics they study; that they can read, write, explore, and communicate mathematical concepts with assurance; and that they can apply mathematics in their daily lives. Her primary focus lies in supporting the new curriculum, planning for staff development, and enhancing school improvement initiatives. She advocates for a cooperative, student-centered classroom as the most effective environment for learning.
Areas of Expertise
- K-6 New Curriculum
- Gr 7-9 Math
- First Steps in Math© Certified Facilitator: Number, Operations and Measurement
- Fractions
- Place Value with Whole and Decimal Numbers
- Math Manipulatives: Cuisenaire©Rods, Base Ten Blocks, Color Tiles, Snap-Cubes, Pattern Blocks, Geo-Boards
- Pearson Canada Math Learning Progressions
- Pearson Canada Mathology
- Numeracy across all subject areas