
In April 1996, the Minister of Education approved the establishment of the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium. A Task Force of Education Stakeholder organizations completed the groundwork for the inception of the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium based on the Guidelines for Establishing Regional Consortium: An Initiative for the improvement of Education and its Delivery, September 1995, Alberta Education.

In September of 2021, the Alberta Government designated the Board of Directors of the College of Alberta School Superintendents to be the “Agent Association” and governing body of the 7 Regional Consortium including the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium. CASS convenes an ARPDC Provincial Advisory Committee that meets multiple times annually to provide advice on programming. Each of the Regional Consortia also have a Regional Advisory Committee to serve a similar purpose at the Regional Consortium Level. The CASS Board of Directors as the “Agent Association” guides each consortia in determining annual priorities and managing the scope of their work each fiscal year.