Effective September 1st, 2020, the governance of the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium and the other six consortia that collectively form the Alberta Regional Learning Consortia became the responsibility of the CASS Board of Directors as directed by the Minister of Education. The CASS board of Directors is the Governance Body of the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium.
CASS convenes an ARPDC Provincial Advisory Committee that meets multiple times annually to provide advice on programming. Each of the Regional Consortia also have a Regional Advisory Committee to serve a similar purpose at the Regional Consortium Level. The CASS Board of Directors as the “Agent Association” guides each consortia in determining annual priorities and managing the scope of their work each fiscal year.
Contact Information
College of Alberta School Superintendents
Suite 1300, First Edmonton Place
10665 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9
Phone: 780-540-9205
Email: admin@cass.ab.ca
Website: www.cass.ab.ca